Franco Foods
Welcome to Franco Foods!
The Franco-American Centre (FAC)/ Alliance Française de Manchester’s YouTube Cooking Channel.
The series is hosted by Nathalie Hirte; avid home cook and baker originally from Châteauguay, Québec.
Franco Foods is dedicated to discovering the World of the French-inspired food and culture one bite at a time. From the foods we grew up with in North America, the foods of France and other European countries, to the lesser known connection with exotic countries such as Morocco, Lebanon, and Senegal. To the surprising revelations from countries such as Vietnam and New Caledonia. Franco Foods strives to celebrate not simply the variety of foods, but also the culture, history and personal stories of the wonderful world of the Francophonie.

Born in the province of Quebec, Nathalie learned to cook alongside her mother. She helped her prepare traditional Quebec foods (tourtière, cretons, pouding chômeur, etc.) and proudly shares those with Franco Foods viewers. Along with discovering new foods with us. Nathalie enjoys the journey and is not afraid to show her failures as well as her successes. “If my mistakes can save someone else from making those mistakes, it’s worth it. Besides, it’s all in good fun!”.
Make sure to check us out!
Learn more about Franco Foods - who works behind the camera, where are some of the recipes from - in this behind the scene NH Chronicle segment with Jean Mackin.
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