Debunking Vodou: Examining Haitian Religious & Political Tradition
Vodou, alternately spelled voodoo or vaudou, is frequently depicted as a mysterious and strange cult in American popular culture. Hollywood, through movies such as The Princess and the Frog and Indiana Jones, circulates images of pin dolls and malevolent beings. Although Vodou has frequently been targeted by racist ideas, it’s actually a peaceful religion that reflects Haiti’s multicultural history, as well as the country’s fight for independence.

Vodou is a syncretism of Roman Catholicism and the West African Vodun religion, practiced by members of various ethnic groups, including members of the Dahomean, Kongo, and Yoruba groups. During the 1700s, members of these groups were kidnapped and enslaved, and forced to labor in Haitian plantations (or as Haiti was then known, St. Domingue). As the Atlantic Slave Trade intensified, the enslaved peoples’ religion was viewed as a threat. Those who continued to practice their religion faced severe repercussions. Others were forced to convert to Christianity. Enslaved people took part in Christian religious functions while practicing their own religion in secret (in some cases, Vodou spirits were named after Catholic saints, as a way to deceive slave masters).
The Truth about Vodou
Vodou emphasizes the role of spirits in the everyday world. Humans are spirits that live in the visible world, whereas lwa, mystè, anvizib, and zanj live in the invisible world. These spirits live in a land called Ginen. Lwa serve a supreme deity called Bondye—this is the Creole derivation of the French phrase “bon dieu.” Bondye is also referred to as Gran Met-la. Although Vodou is sometimes confused for a polytheistic religion, it is actually monotheistic, because lwa only serve as agents between Bondye and humans. The lwa are also the main focus of Vodou rites. Through devotional acts, such as prayers, songs, and dances, devotees attempt to enter a trance-like state and encourage the lwa to take control of their bodies. The lwa, through their human vessels, provide advice or perform supernatural actions. Devotees ask spirits for good health and to grant solutions to problems or afflictions. Above all, Vodou emphasizes the importance of topics such as justice, philosophy, and medicine.

Vodou, in the context of the Haitian Revolution, was far more than a religion; it was a political movement committed to liberating enslaved people. Vodou helped unify many different ethnic groups in their goal of gaining independence from French colonists. In one famous meeting at Bois Caïman, political and religious leaders used Vodou as a way to empower enslaved people for their cause. The stereotypes now associated with Vodou —those that frequently portray the religion as evil and violent—came from pushback against Haitian cries for independence. These ideas, which sought to discriminate against the Haitian people, were furthered when the American government later occupied the island.
In short, Vodou embodies principles of liberty and self-expression through its rich history and customs. It continues to be a beautiful cultural component within the larger Francophone world.

Written by Pranavi Vedula, high school intern